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(1 edit)

Amazing game!

Any Indonesians? Looking forward to creepier episodes :D

Curto, mas bem interessante. Cria um boa atmosfera de tensão. Única problema que eu achei é que assim que você termina de comer, na hora de subir as escadas o controle do personagem fica bem estranho, meio flututante. De resto, um bom jogo. Que venhamos próximos episódios.

Damn, that lasagna man. But, really, great work!


Mom left me all alone... Time to do what every teenage boy does when all alone. Eat a whole pan of lasagna and watch TV

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖 fu#k that was so scary

this game got me so scared lmao


this game was so good gave the worst jumpscare to date thanks for making this game! i look forward to your next projects

I never want to be home alone again... and I'm in my 30's. Incredible job at creating a very tense atmosphere. Keep at it!

There is a glitch with the stairs in v1.1.2 its super slow and choppy when I walk up them and I float up whenever I walk down them, I even managed to get on the railing. I don't know if this is only for me or not, other than that its pretty good.

Bro, this by far the most stressful game I've played, I felt like I was actually in danger!

You should add an ending for wandering outside the house, but in the front part! Not an invisible wall! :D


Hey, I am here just to tell you that a youtuber with over 19m million subs played your game

P.S - His channel name is techno gamerz

this was really fun, looking forward to the other episodes keep up the amazing work familia :D

This game was really good! Looking forward to more chapters

i have made a fan art or your game. Plz check it by clicking on the link below.


I don't mean to come off rude or anything, but fuck you

You just got rickroll XD. And dont ABUSE. i know that you have written this line "I don't mean to come off rude or anything" but it does abuse. DON'T do that. lol.

same to you.


wow...i hope you get left home alone and mom leaves you some lasagna..

I don't know if it was me but the game is a bit choppy for me. I also didn't know what to do throughout the entire game. I just wish there was displayed directions, but other than that it's seems like a good game. Here's my video if you want to check it out

awesome game

Was a REALLY creepy game. Can't wait for the other episodes to come out!


i like that game when i was played i was soo scared

Is that how the game supposed to end? I'm not really sure if there are multiple endings in the game because I just followed what the game told me to do. I wanna explore the other possibilities like rushing to the door once the event started or checking out the other rooms and stuff. But I'm scared, I'm Home Alone as well.


Hey, I'm from Brazil, if you want some help with portuguese subtitles/translation,I could help you

Call-me on discord: GvsSampaio#2186

Super Cool :) 

Finally got around to playing! Loved the detail and all the little things. I didn't realize how many details I missed until I watched others play. Can't wait for more episodes!

(1 edit)

this game was epic cant wait til they come out with part 2 


really liked the first episode and cant wait to get to play more!

Ya'll Better Hide Yo Kids. . . .


Jogo muito bom, curto, mas bom, espero que os próximos episódios sejam mais longos e com mais interatividade.

Great game! Scary as freak. Cant wait for the next episode.

cant wait for episode 2 :D

I found a lot of glitches u might want to fix 

especially this one 1:05 cuz later u can get out of the house when ur not suppose to.

This was such an amazing game. What's more terrifying than the things that can (and commonly do) happen in real life? I love this idea and episode one was above and beyond fantastic. I can't wait for more episodes, I will gladly pay for them!

Hey fun game it got me good... twice actually lol. The game was well put together and definitely made you feel like you were part of the story. Here's a little video I put together for everybody. If you enjoyed the video please consider supporting me by subscribing :) 

It was a very cool episode. Keep it up.

ate the lasagna too fast and the world started spinning i ended up on the roof

pls fix <3

Deleted post

The game has a lot of collision issues. I got teleported into the railing of the stairs a few times, and into Miles' bedroom once. Everything felt very jittery. The game looked way better on the lowest graphics setting compared to the highest. I didn't know if I could even avoid the jumpscare until almost an hour of testing.

I write this after my first attempt at this game, because before i start my next attempt, I just wanted to do a glitch report. I sat down to eat my sweet lasag, and while watching the TV, the sound of eating was very creepy and made me feel the silence of the house. and then it wouldnt stop. for the rest of the game. the character was chewing the whole time to the point that it grossed me out and also distracted me from the stellar sound design. 

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